Pope Francis condemns acts of abuse against children
Pope Francis has said he is in the face of more than 300 victims of sexual harassment by some church institutes in the Pennsylvania state of the United States.
The Vatican said he wanted to listen carefully to the arguments of the victims to find out exactly what happened to them from the institutes and to call the incident to be cruel.
This step comes after prosecutors in the United States claim that more than 1,000 children in the state of Pennsylvania suffered the same cruelty.
Catholic bishop Katolik in the United States has ordered a Vatican inquiry. Daniel DiNardo, a member of the bishop's group, has called the scandal as a result of failure to focus on religious leadership.
Cardinal DiNardo of Texas said on the day of Alhamis two days after the report was dismissed that the Catholic church is currently experiencing a crisis in peace where not only requires religious dialogue but also a change to prevent that sin and that this report is a fresh evidence .
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He emphasized that the US General Council of Bishops (USCCB) has identified three targets to end the violence and to take severe punishment for all those who will be able to do so.
The USCCB council said it will expand the scope of receiving state-of-the-art information on the violation.
The bishop also requested a report by the Pope's representatives to investigate scandals facing Washington DC's deputy Kad Theodor McCarrick, who was reported to himself last month.
Kadnal is accused of raping several young men while there was one who had been serving close to Kadnal the last 47 years. Pope Francis accepted a letter of self-defense to Kadnal and asked him to continue praying when the church continues to deal with his concerns and see what penalties are worthwhile.
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